Our last day in 2024 will be Friday 20th December. JCS will reopen Monday 13th January 2025.

Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy Christmas and New Year.

Happy Australia Day: JCS will be closed Monday 27 January for the Australia Day Public Holiday

Welcome To Jubilee Community Services Inc.

Jubilee Community Services Inc., (JCS) provides services for people living in:

With our Head Office in Mortdale, our staff and volunteers are available to assist with information, referral and enquiries relating to community programs, community development and children’s services. Consulting with local people and working with like-minded organisations alongside all levels of government, JCS continues to grow, adapting to the emerging needs of our communities.

A History of Community Engagement

Georges River Community Service Inc. (GRCS) commenced operation on the 5th October 1971, as a result of the local Interchurch Council seeing the need for a Neighbourhood Centre in the area. The name of the service was chosen to reflect the State Elective where it was situated. The service was originally located at Pasley House, 63 Pitt Street Mortdale. The building was named Pasley House in recognition of the steadfast faith, irrepressible spirit and dynamic energy of Betty and Lesley Pasley in the formation of GRCS.

In 2008 a Community Focus Group was organised to update the corporate image of the Centre and to change its name to better reflect its location in the local community. After community consultation and feedback, the name of the service was changed to Mortdale Community Services Inc. (MCS) and its corporate colour was changed to fuschia pink to highlight MCS’ identity and enhance recognition in the local community.

JCS continues to provide much needed services to the community due to the ongoing commitment and support offered by our volunteers. Our various programs offer opportunities for volunteers to build on personal skills and experience. JCS currently has over 70 volunteers working in a range of areas. Areas of work available include – visiting, shopping and sitting with an older person, helping with social activities for the aged, fundraising, promoting the Centre, assisting in the Occasional Child Care Centre, Adult Leisure Learning tutors, English tutors, office duties or becoming a member of the Management Committee.

Mission Statement

Jubilee Community Services Inc. is committed to providing high quality, affordable and accessible services to people of all ages in the local community.

We Provide

  • Information and referral
  • Support for older people
  • Adult Leisure Learning Classes
  • Out of School Hours Centre at Lugarno, Yates Ave (Dundas Valley), Alfords Point, Eastlakes, Ermington West and Peakhurst South Public Schools and Vacation Care
  • Long Day Child Care on our premises
  • Groups and Information for families, children and the general community.

Our Service Will

  • Adapt to the changing needs of the community through community consultation
  • Encourage community involvement
  • Ensure confidentiality
  • Support people to make the best decision for the themselves and to retain their independence
  • Refer people to other service providers when unable to assist
  • Provide on going support and training to both paid and volunteer staff
  • Provide opportunities for voluntary work both in the Centre and in the community

Vision Statement

  • To be part of the community and known for the services and assistance provided.
  • To consistently service those in the community who are in need.
  • To run the centre efficiently so the services can be maintained to the community.

The Management Board

JCS Inc. is administered by a community-based volunteer Management Board. JCS is an Incorporated Association, with over 70 members, 36 of these being Life Members. Annual membership fees are $10.00 ($5.00 for pensioners and students and $15 for Organisations). Subscriptions fall due each January. All members are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting held in October.